Isabel, 35

Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

Hi there, Isabel , 35 years old. I'm coming from Medellin. I am here looking for Something nice and easy. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

Isabel, Colombia By Isabel from Colombia


Profile Info

Isabel, Colombia My Personal Information
Member ID
Date of birth:
Jun 20, 1989
168 cm
52 kg
Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia
Isabel, Colombia My Signature

If you wonder about my hobbies, I am a fairly active woman, full of energy to discover, share and learn, I really like to experiment in areas that I still don't know, I like having new experiences, sports, I like dancing, cooking unusual dishes , Go for a walk without a fixed destinationWould you pu

Isabel, Colombia Self Introduction

Would you put love aside? You know that love is presented in different ways and well, here I am, introducing myself through this letter, with which I hope to captivate the attention of your eyes, as you can see, I am a woman who likes to do various activities, I am very kind , I like music, some sports, spending time with my family, continuously learning about various topics of leisure and general culture, animals, if you wonder why to write to you, it is because I want to know what is beyond this profile that you leave See, I know there is much to discover, come on, I invite you to do it together, are you coming ..?

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Isabel , 35

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